
Try your best to be funny

All credit goes to the person who made the image (except for the last one). This is only meant to be a joke, just incase anyone gets offended.
(I think most of you know the botez gambit)
@Savage_Water said in #1:
> All credit goes to the person who made the image (except for the last one). This is only meant to be a joke, just incase anyone gets offended.
> (I think most of you know the botez gambit)
what has 4 wings and flies?
Q: Why did the Salad blush?
A: Because it didn't have any dressing on!
@SuperiorWood said in #6:
> What's a salad?
He must mean the thing which is unhealthy on a burger and healthy when eaten separately
I'd rather try to block 200 people on Lichess. I'm only 49 blocks away!

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