
Trump´ s Imninent Impeachment

The U.S is all one country, just to be clear.
And I wish to retain my privacy about which part of the U.S I'm from.

Trump is NOT going to get impeached! And even if through some political miracle one were to achieve in his impeachment, you're NOT going to get anything out of it. If you want to change the world for the positive, then change the hearts of those who feed off of political insanities such as xenophobia, blatant racism, religious discrimination, black lives matter, Southern Poverty Law Center, the Ku Klux Klan, or anything else that Republican leaders and Democrat leaders tie themselves into in order to get their respective parties out to vote. If you want to change the world, don't whine about Trump or any one candidate who manipulated people's fears to get elected. What you SHOULD be doing is attempting to find common ground between the so called liberals and conservatives who are working in everyday jobs around the country. What you SHOULD be doing is attempting to utilize your energies in "good human stewardship" that seeks to bring people together by greater understanding the misconceptions that have divided this country in the first place.

We all want the same things: security and prosperity. There's simply many ways to seek those two things and when we successfully seek it as a whole, we will stop marginalizing one another for our own respective party's selfish interests!!
It's difficult to find common ground with a party that doesn't have common sense.

I agree with your comment. The situation in the United States; however, is basically a two party system. Republicans and Democrats both have excellent common sense. Now, there are certainly a few radicals such as the Republican, David Duke, who would like to enslave African Americans again and "light up" the Klan. There's also radicals on the left like Bernard "Burn down the White House and blame it on the Tea Party" Sanders.....or even worse than Bernie "Where's MY pension" Sanders is this horrid little Democrat out of California, Maxine "I never read Uncle Tom's Cabin and YOU CAN'T MAKE ME" Waters, who is perhaps the most financially crooked politician and morally corrupt we've had in the last 50 years of American history who even called on Democrat protest groups to harass "violently if possible" Republican law makers that don't vote her way!!

SO..... @trumpisagenius , I certainly agree that SOME people do NOT have common sense....but MOST Republicans and Democrats are very kind, charitable, loving people who only want to make this world a better place. Common ground is EASY to find!!
@Numberman768 those 49 dead because they were gay were shot BEFORE #Trump took over. Maybe you are not lying, you are just ignorant and alike #Trump, citing facts and numbers that come to your head.
I didn´ t "imply" that I am not from the US, I said that I am NOT a US citizen. I am an American. Go look up what "American" means in a dictionary. Your justification that since there are many "worse" leaders in the rest of the world it is ok to have #Trump in the USA as a leader is pathetic.

@CountGianMarcoDorio we may all want the same thing but I, unlike you, don´ t go around telling people what they "should" do. In that respect you are somewhat Trumpish.

@Irishman964 , who said that the US was not a country?

Jim Acosta and CNN sue Trump and others. hahahahaha. The US favorite game, suing.

The #Trump is going down...

Trump isn't going down. It's just not in the cards. Trump was elected because what he said appealed to many voters. It's like with Nazi Germany when Hitler became Chancellor and then became dictator after, obviously, having his own people burn down the Reischschancellory and then blamed it on Communists. The votes show that Hitler's approval rating was extremely high and historical evidence clearly shows that occupied France, Lithuania, Norway, etc were extremist collaborators who were overjoyed to assist the Nazis in their bizarre quest to exterminate the Jews. Now, you can bury your head in the sand like most liberal minded French nowadays do and whine about how the French and others were "coerced" to do the bidding of Hitler, but that's NOT what historical evidence points to. The cold reality is that the vast majority of Europeans who knew about the Holocaust were ELATED and couldn't wait to do their fair share in a European eradication of European Jewry. It's the SAME with Donald Trump and the American people....there's liberals who can whine about his racism and sexism and any other "isms" that we, noble people, find offensive on a daily basis but the COLD REALITY is that Trump was elected because a large part of Americans LIKE his racism, his bigotry, his sexism, and his intolerance for inconvenience to reduce industry and consumerism even in the face of global catastrophes such as global warming!!

Don't WHINE about Trump, @Egoismo ....what you SHOULD be doing is changing the hearts and minds of those who bring people like Trump or Hitler into power to begin with. Don't be like the French, Lithuanians, Norwegians, Belgians, etc who DID NOTHING to protect the marginalized Jewish population only to claim righteous liberal thinking when it's in a secure environment. Again, don't whine about Trump @Egoismo , if you want to change the world then change the people's minds and hearts who are doing NOTHING as we speak!
The collective soul seeks truth in the very depths of self and like the tree of life it grows out of those depths and into the mystery which is nameless and unknowable. Mercy: There comes a fire, the dross is burned away, and souls are forged. DO NOT AIM TO CHANGE THE MINDS AND HEARTS OF ANYONE. BECOME A TRUE SAINT AND LEARN TO CARRY YOURSELF THROUGH THE FIRE WITH GRIT AND GRACE. Do nothing... be and let be. So many are caught up in something or another... so many estranged from themselves... MaY The NameleSs ANd UNknowAble be with YOU!
It might hurt you, @Numberman768 and the pain makes you deny it, but show me just ONE lye and I will keep quiet...

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