
True comedy

Well, if Adam Sandler is your comedy guy I think Amy schumer will fit your list too,
This may be a generational thing, but Abbott and Costello in “Who’s on First” is my favorite
Gimme an F. Gimme an L. Gimme a U. Gimme another F. Gimme yet another F. Gimme a Y, but don't ask it.

What's that spell?

Modern comedy genius, and a handy euphemism for the good life, eventually refined and moderated as wisdom continues to grow.

If you know, you know.

(And as a nod to a better past, let's also not forget Jack Benny: one of the best of his time).
Buster Keaton in his day. Abbott and Costello's "Who's on first?" always gets a laugh when I play it to my Chinese EFL students. They get it. Zero Mostel. The entire cast of Catch-22 (1970).
I give a nod to Don Knotts
Barney Fife was such a character
Always made me laugh

Knotts was a genius of physical comedy

Jackie Gleason was really good as were Redd Foxx ,Red Skelton and Art Carney.
DK one of the three most high-strung characters in TV history (along with Kramer and Willie Loomis from Dark Shadows).

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