
Topic idea: What does the last school test/exam you did look like?

Post here a picture of the last test/exam you finished.
Try to keep the private content of the picture private/blured.
@WassimBerbar said in #1:
> Post here a picture of the last test/exam you finished.
> Try to keep the private content of the picture private/blured.
'Twas bizzare...
my exam paper was a mess and even if i wanna show it to you in my school exam papers are not returned or shown..
@Rainbow_Pink_Lover said in #3:
> my exam was like 3 months ago so I don't have the paper with me anymore
@ew-pawn said in #4:
> my exam paper was a mess and even if i wanna show it to you in my school exam papers are not returned or shown..
It asked how to counter the spell of incontinence using only readily available, safe natural ingredients.

It asked for three different yet effective substitutes for eye of newt, if eye of newt were unavailable locally for thaumatological use.

It asked us to compare and contrast the use of willow and mahogany in wands.

It asked us to estimate when the Eiffel Tower would be completed, and justify our answer using a mathematics of our own invention.

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