
tiktok is getting banned :D

It probably doesn't help but gen z/alpha had iPad binkies from the get go and hardly played outside and read even compared to millennial who have adhd issues.. at least most of us read vigorously until we were like 11 and the tech was good enough
@InkyDarkBird said in #10:
> The public does not care whether Tiktok is an actual threat to society.
> Tiktok has rotted Generation Z and Alpha and it is absolutely necessary to eliminate such cancers.
> It has ruined our attention spans and is heavily addictive.
Sure. It has everything to do with the "cancer" of tiktok killing our attention spans (but nothing about twitter, youtube, instagram et al, really?) and nothing, but really nothing to do, with US hostility towards China.
@thenceforth said in #12:
> Sure. It has everything to do with the "cancer" of tiktok killing our attention spans (but nothing about twitter, youtube, instagram et al, really?) and nothing, but really nothing to do, with US hostility towards China.
China banned tik tok too, why the double standard? ;p
@salmon_rushdie said in #13:
> China banned tik tok too, why the double standard? ;p
Sure mate. Even if your claim was true, China definitely banned Tiktok due to the hostility of China towards China. Makes total sense.
> TikTok has never been available in China, as the country has its own version of the app, called Douyin. Both apps are owned by the same Chinese company, ByteDance. Thus far, we've been unable to find definitive proof that TikTok is or is not officially banned in China.
@thenceforth said in #12:
> Sure. It has everything to do with the "cancer" of tiktok killing our attention spans (but nothing about twitter, youtube, instagram et al, really?) and nothing, but really nothing to do, with US hostility towards China.
Those platforms have much, much less influence than Tiktok and are better moderated.
You don't see "pranksters" physically assaulting others in public or people performing "challenges" by consuming life-threatening products on Youtube.
(yes I know Tide pods existed on Youtube but that was a long time ago)
@InkyDarkBird said in #15:
> Those platforms have much, much less influence than Tiktok and are better moderated.
> You don't see "pranksters" physically assaulting others in public or people performing "challenges" by consuming life-threatening products on Youtube.
> (yes I know Tide pods existed on Youtube but that was a long time ago)

Maybe the iditols pranksters are sheeps moving to any new platform that is becoming trendy. I guess their ego is addicted to their junkie's daily fix of views So not sure it is only a moderation thing.
@bfchessguy said in #16:
> Maybe the iditols pranksters are sheeps moving to any new platform that is becoming trendy. I guess their ego is addicted to their junkie's daily fix of views So not sure it is only a moderation thing.
Maybe, but we will not know until Tiktok is overtaken by another short-form content platform.
@InkyDarkBird said in #17:
> Maybe, but we will not know until Tiktok is overtaken by another short-form content platform.
Yep. And maybe we should focus on educating kids and not avoiding discussing some subjects because it's taboo.
@thenceforth said in #14:
> Sure mate. Even if your claim was true, China definitely banned Tiktok due to the hostility of China towards China. Makes total sense.
Those were your words not mine

And I don't know, makes me lose confidence in Snopes because their research is clearly lackluster on this

Go ahead and check yourself on sites that allow you to check if a site is blocked in China - they all say blocked for tiktok.

Listed on here since 2020 - it's an accurate list. Every social media platform from the US is banned there

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