
Thibault, listen.

I think we are all still here to accept how to lose. My deepest of sympathies.
@XXIstCentury plz be kind. Moderators make false.
Everytime you say " Moderators did right thing" blabla
I think moderators should mute you
I know, LICHESS IS THE BEST CHESS WEBSITE,but everybody can make mistakes.
@pn2206 Click F12 and go to the networking tab, and then load another page of this thread - you'll see between 4.8-5.6kb transferred. Now go find a really old thread and look at the number of views. Click into it, and then change page n times. Go look at the view count, it'll have changed by n. That is, each page view counts as a view - meaning that entire thread amounts to about 390.79 mb of data over a week, maybe add 5% for the captcha's
Yeah I don’t even think there are 1,000,000 total pages on all of lichess yet 100,000.
Everyone, please stop begging the mods to re-open the forum! They closed it for a reason, whether it was size or spamming. (I vote spamming) The thread won't be re-opened, and I think we all should move on. It was fun while it lasted. I personally trust the Lichess mods to do what is right for the rest of us.

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