
The Trump wall in Rio Grande

@Alientcp said in #20:
> Most people that actually live near the river they are pro Trump. The ones living near the river are the first one affected by the immigration, they are the ones supporting Trump for that specific reason, they are willing to make a sacrifice.

I've never heard them having it through. Like they might have to abandon their homes that will likely also become worthless. I have never ever seen a person saying "I guess the wall wll make my house my grandfather built useless, but I still want it."

>The US receives lie 2 million legal immigrants a year. It is more costly to have illegals on the long run.And no, you dont need to man the entirety of the border, there are a lot of technologies that help with the surveillance. You can only man specific post that are near to hot spots.

Well it's 2000 km border. Say you want a post every 10 km, then it's 200 posts. That's super expensive.

And for the houses that are in the middle in between 2 posts, now you have a 10 km drive and a border post to pass to get to the super market a few hundred metres from you - because the wall is blocking the old way to the super market.

Even so, also having to maybe wait in lines and so on to get through would make life hard on the brink of Rio Grande.

This is why usually you want all your people on the inside side of a border wall, and not on the outside. To me it's very uncommon to want to wall your own people out.

>The US giving land? lol.

I mean, that's why I think they don't want to build it, because the land on the other side of the wall will be pretty much lost. Nobody will want to do anything there.
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #21:
?I've never heard them having it through. Like they might have to abandon their homes that will likely also become worthless. I have never ever seen a person saying "I guess the wall wll make my house my grandfather built useless, but I still want it."

They are the first contact with immigrants, some have been killed, robbed, graped.
I suppose you dont have to worry about the house once you are 6 feet under.

>Well it's 2000 km border. Say you want a post every 10 km, then it's 200 posts. That's super expensive.

Its more damaging to the economy having immigrants on the long run.

>I mean, that's why I think they don't want to build it, because the land on the other side of the wall will be pretty much lost. Nobody will want to do anything there.

The opposing party is pro open borders or similar. Thats the reason they cant build it, there are a lot of opposition in power.
@Alientcp said in #22:
> They are the first contact with immigrants, some have been killed, robbed, graped.
> I suppose you dont have to worry about the house once you are 6 feet under.

Erm, if they're fine with just abandoning their house, then they would have abandoned it already. Since they remain in their house, we can infer they'd want to stay there.

> Its more damaging to the economy having immigrants on the long run.

But if you personally loose your house and it becoms worthless, then it isn't a good deal for you personally. So there's probably quite a few houses on the 2000 km of Rio Grande, it must be a lot of people loosing their home.

Also USA would loose 2000 square kilometres of I real estate. Land next to a river is usually pretty attractive as well. Also maybe loosing like fishing in the river.

> The opposing party is pro open borders or similar. Thats the reason they cant build it, there are a lot of opposition in power.

I don't understand how this is an answer to what I wrote. The land would be lost regardless of whatever the other party thinks.
No the wall is built on the Mexican side they donate the land because it is their problem. It is placed away from the river along with other deterrents like they have in Morocco.
There is going to be a big problem so you just better get ready...
The IQ levels are dropping in the west and soon it will succumb.

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