
The real reason: Russia Wants to Lock Ukraine Back in the Soviet Cellar

„It’s striking how little mention of the future there is in the Kremlin’s propaganda. There’s only vengeance, warped nostalgia for the USSR, a mythic, cruel “Russian World”—and resentment. The Russian project has failed, so the aim now is to bring everyone down to its own level, drag all down to its cellar. “How dare you live so well” read a piece of graffiti scrawled by Russian soldiers in the suburbs of Kyiv.“
@Sarg0n said in #2:
> “How dare you live so well” read a piece of graffiti scrawled by Russian soldiers in the suburbs of Kyiv.“

Or is just again some western propaganda?
@Sarg0n said in #5:
> rything the loZers don't lik

Going on personal attack without presenting proof = you get caught talking bullshit.
@bfchessguy said in #8:
> If you want to give us a lecture on bullshit maybe you should also give us a lecture on Berlusconi and his pals who are Mussolini's legacy deniers?

You are kicking an open door; Berlusconi is a mafia guy and deserve to be sent in prison. Is 20 years that I tell this, only in a f*cked up country full of bullsh*t like the one I come from people keep vote him and the law don't imprison him.

Btw, his "pals" are not deniers, they are proud of what a sack of shit like mussolini has done. Which is even worse, at least in my opinion.

The problem with Berlusconi is that people have always thought he was some kind of clown, while he was very serious and keen following his agenda. He is 85 now, let's hope it's ability to damage the country it's hindered by the age, at least.

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