
The problems with Catholicism

@TheLordOfLight I'm not anti-catholic, I understand Paul would call the gospel the catholic teaches a false gospel and say let them be accursed. I mean you can keep using the "no church is perfect" idea, but does it not concern you that pope, which I believe and many others to be the false prophet , is saying things like "Jesus sinned", "there is no hell" etc.

This particular Pope is not a false prophet because he never claimed to be a prophet in the first place. If anything, he's taken steps to show how HUMAN religious leaders really are! In terms of Jesus sinning....that sounds rather outrageous to me, but perhaps the Pope is speaking on a strictly logical basis allowing Jesus to have come into "sin" of the "flesh" being born 'fully human' while maintaining himself as 'fully man.'

In terms of a statement like "there is no hell." I don't know if there is a hell or a heaven...I've never been to either one in terms of what I remember in this existence. What I do know is that we have an excellent example of how to treat one another, "to lay down one's life for one's friends." Arguing over the existence of hell and heaven is certainly interesting and worth doing, but the greater good of feeding people, rescuing battered women and children, and other "GOOD WORKS" is what we are 'called' to do. Perhaps you should refrain from paying attention to the Pope. If you don't like what he's saying, then unless you direct work for him at the Vatican it may be best for your own spirituality to focus on other things.
@TheLordOfLight If you don't know if there is heaven or hell you are going to hell. I also wanted to say I see you posting things like investing in "pot" stocks and gambling on other posts from you. If you were saved I would say this is the Spirit working in you. (I mean based on what you believe of course you are not).
A few questions:
If you have read the Bible what do you think Jesus would say about you investing in drugs?

I mean I don't even believe God was ok with me listening to upbeat music(all music besides hymns basically) ... If you can't figure out that investing in pot should be very wrong, that would be concerning.

I say all this though to show you that you are indeed lost and if you believe there is even the chance of a heaven or hell, I would spend your time searching for God and if I am right... Less time investing in drug stocks and gambling... Because both of those are wicked hobbies or whatever they may be

Saved by the blood of Jesus is the only way to heaven. Nothing you do or your status or whatever is going to get you there man. Spirit will work you out if you get saved(not that cleaning your life will save you, but that it often is a side effect afterward of being saved by the blood) , I was much more wicked than you are now.
Most people want to do good. Maybe some need religion to do good. We could all spend our lifetimes arguing about religion. It's interesting, and there's lots of material.

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