
Tell me a joke

he he This is a joke competition, who ever gets the most laughs, wins a egg!! Feel free to participate, I am 100% sure I will go the washroom after reading these jokes.

EX : how did the vacuum cleaner die? it bit the dust.
What does horsey shout at night? Tea - Bot Tea- bot
why are you searching for joke ?
are u depressed are u sad ?
its normal to be depressed but in depression don't drink or smoke
don't smoke getting depressed for ur health it is very bad
always keep a smile in ur face
as God has already wrote our future despite of any race
so the thing that was to happen will happen u can't change it
so just move on being happy doing fun
and just smile , smile and smile
Biggest joke is there is yet another bloody joke thread.
teacher : whats the age of ur father
me : 16 years
teacher : what the hell how ?
me : he became father only after i was born ....


me : why did gandhiji have no hair on his head
mother : because he always told truth and believed in non-violence
me : thats why girls have so big hairs

You know what's better than going to America during the Great Depression?
Being depresed about not going to America.
> teacher : whats the age of ur father
> me : 16 years
> teacher : what the hell how ?
> me : he became father only after i was born ....
> logic
> me : why did gandhiji have no hair on his head
> mother : because he always told truth and believed in non-violence
> me : thats why girls have so big hairs
> logic

Works for me.
@Passionate_Player said in #8:
> First time heard the concept of "big hairs".

Is actually "big hair". Means hairdo that is afro or teased.

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