

How are you supposed to make other people join your team if you aren't allowed to advertise it?
Get your friends to join(like outside-of-lichess friends). But only, if they are interesting in chess.
@MIHIR_KATTI said in #2:
> Get your friends to join(like outside-of-lichess friends). But only, if they are interesting in chess.
None of them are on lichess
Once you have a few friends in your team already, participate in team battles. If your team has a nice name, and everyone plays nice games or stand out in some other ways, you may get new team members. so just start small and grow from there
@TPT2010 said in #1:
> How are you supposed to make other people join your team if you aren't allowed to advertise it?

You can advertise, it's generally frowned upon tho, and you might get reported. One on one advertising is the least likely to get you banned, and is generally considered less shameful.
@dstne said in #5:
> You can advertise, it's generally frowned upon tho, and you might get reported. One on one advertising is the least likely to get you banned, and is generally considered less shameful.
I had advertised my team in my previous account and Lichess chatbanned me for 2 months
@TPT2010 said in #6:
> I had advertised my team in my previous account and Lichess chatbanned me for 2 months

can means by definition that something is possible. I wasn't saying it is allowed, just that it's possible.
@TPT2010 said in #1:
> How are you supposed to make other people join your team if you aren't allowed to advertise it?

It's allowed in your profile and your personal blog.

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