
Support Ukraine, cancel the debt

Why is everybody splitting up Germany?
We’re already a federation so kneecapped by design.

We need a strong Führer like Trump or Erdogan who washes away problems by blaming Kurds or Mexicans. So nice and simple. The problems don’t go away, but that doesn’t matter if you have a culprit. That’s all the rednecks need to ignore years of incompetence and corruption. Just never take any responsibility and shift the blame on somebody else (xenophobia and racism is best to create a most absurd image of the enemy). This method has proven itself countless times as a blueprint for political success.
Hail to autocracy!
@Rookitiki said in #23:
> We need a strong Führer like Trump or Erdogan
or Modi
> who washes away problems by blaming Kurds or Mexicans
or Muslims.
@bfchessguy said in #22:
> Why the right is admiring totalitarian regimes?

They are? Most righties I've met consider (rightfully so) both Russia and Ukraine to be some of the most corrupt countries in the world.
@polylogarithmique said in #21:
> Why is the right obsessed with spreading hateful ideas?

What hateful ideas are you talking about? Germany has started every world war and should have been split up a long time ago. I wouldn't doubt if they are the starter of a WW3.
@Jimmy_Dore said in #26:
> What hateful ideas are you talking about? Germany has started every world war and should have been split up a long time ago. I wouldn't doubt if they are the starter of a WW3.
Where were you between 1945 and 1989?
@Jimmy_Dore said in #26:
> What hateful ideas are you talking about? Germany has started every world war and should have been split up a long time ago. I wouldn't doubt if they are the starter of a WW3.
Actually, in WW1 it wasn't all their fault.
And WW2 mainly started bcuz the paying for WW1 were quite expensive( since they got all the blame and had to pay all expenses. Also our democracy has evolved since then and it is def not the same anymore. At last, it wasn't the paricular fault of the Germans....All humans can easily turn into Monsters(Milgram experiment)
@DERG_CHESS said in #29:
> Actually, in WW1 it wasn't all their fault.
> And WW2 mainly started bcuz the paying for WW1 were quite expensive( since they got all the blame and had to pay all expenses. Also our democracy has evolved since then and it is def not the same anymore. At last, it wasn't the paricular fault of the Germans....All humans can easily turn into Monsters(Milgram experiment)
The rise of nationalism and nazism was certainly fueled from the resentment left by how WW1 was settled... But saying "WW2 mainly started bcuz the paying for WW1 were quite expensive" seems a bit abusive to me.

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