
Stop saying "When Covid-19 is over" will never be over.

who knows george zhuang ? but i do know trouble comes in threes , theres climate change , corona virus and ive got the mother in law over at the weekend ,
@bunyip I personally see no reason for this forum. Why do we need to learn about why people are using the word "over" wrong?

Only one disease in history has every been completely eradicated. One! And I doubt Covid-19 will be the second.
By over, people mean "Their lives returning to normal." I don't think we need this forum.
@chummer -- chummer old chum!!!! Do you remember Saddam n the kurds - do you recall Syria? Now an 'acccident in China'.
Believe me old chum , all it would take is a tiny dictator in a tiny country on the brink of losing power -- he strikes out --- unable to fund traditional warfare he uses covid-20 --- I insist - this scenario is not so far-fetched that it ought to be discarded - so how do we solve this? A new world order --- the unitied nations may be the answer -- we all join the U.N. and make the U.N. the Unique n Sole World Power. chummer think of desperate men that lash out against their own people n against the world .... you may decide to review your answer to my comment.
When people say things like that they are referring to when it isn’t as big of a threat and things can go back to how they were before the pandemic. Pandemics CAN end, it’s the disease that won’t end. The bubonic plague is still around, but there are less than 1,000 US cases of it per year and it is treatable. Unlike the coronavirus that has had over 33,100,000 US cases and the vaccine for it only came out recently.
Quitre right lads it was not China but Mexico as usual that was responsible for Corona!!!!!

Corona - Sol - Dos XX ---- all most commendable!!!!!! Thx, mejico for spreading corona -- Trump really oughta have built a wall around Mejico -- Mejico Linda!!!! - Mejico mio!!!!!! Once I get my second Sputnik up my - well I'll be off to dear old mexico!!!!! :)))))))))) for a corona n a proper tequila chaser!!!!!!!
On a serious note -- all it takes is immagination - n you'll find the good around you -- there is a solution to everything!!!!
.... okey I may exaggerate a little as usual - call it a black lie (cuz I'm black!!!!! <-----that is a white lie btw!!!!!!!)

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