
Star Trek thread

Yes, no one took him as another character after that. not a bad thing.
What an irony, imagination is what allows person to understand that alien lifeform is not human with new skin color, but something completely different. Like what Stanisław Lem or huge amount of other Sci-Fi writers created multiple times.
Lack of imagination is exactly what creates a Star Trek and Star Wars races.

Problem is, it requires a lot of top-level effort. This is why we have a single Interstellar movie (actually, only half of it until black hole) and hundreds of ST series.

And again, as fairy tale both SW and ST are great. I really liked SW when was 10 years old and still like it as memory, just like you describe ST. But don't place them on same list with 2001 or Interstellar or any other intelligent movies.
Oh well, I just took Star Trek at it’s face value. Good entertainment, great cast, fantastic storytelling, and inspiring.
I have a ST 3-D chess set..and various other trekkie bits and pieces scattered here and there.
If you wear sent on an away mission wearing a red shirt you had good reason to be a bit nervous.
Right... red shirt guy ordered to away party..."Uh, not feel so good, I'm going to see Dr.McCoy".
I like that Interstellar movie, Kip Thorne was consulted on the black hole science for the movie.
@morphyms1817 and yet such a meticulous film destroys immersion in completely broken part after falling to black hole. That would be so cool ending if ship just falls into BH and that's it. No disgusting cry-baby happy ending, no answered questions. Just fall in black hole and if you want answers, go study on your own.

And even in first part, which is true Sci-Fi, some moments are very unclear. Like when Endurance ship starts falling on planet and saved by emergency docking, I don't get why this happens. Why ship starts falling in the first place?
Usually they explain that by explosion, which is trash - explosion won't make huge orbital correction, unless they are on extremely low orbit, which is not clearly stated and dangerous. This things destroy immersion.

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