
Sport you hate

@Marsrock said in #7:
> bro i am hacker 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Bro please hack my acc I have forgotten my password...
Volleyball when i was in school, because hitting the ball made hands hurt. But i don't hate it anymore.
No, real international football. I hate it because it's very violent, at any time you can be hurt by the ball and be hurt by a very dangerous cerebral concussion. I prefer to not take any risk and play less violent sports like tennis or badminton.

Yes, it's in french, sorry.
basketball, i mean its fun when the people r not twice your size and 3 times your weight(peoplee just throw that big rubber ball at my head) :(
Well, I don't like certain sports but I don't hate them either.
And note that 'not liking' doesn't necessarily mean 'hating' as there is another level between them.

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