
Space Mirrors could create earth like haven on Mars

> providing extra heat and solar power for human colonists

Colonists or settlers? We have to decide now if it's going to be a colony or a settlement. What would you prefer?
No it could not.
Not in any foreseeable future.
What about all the other problems, that comes with having a base on Mars?
Servere weather, lack of resources, expensive(who will pay?), astroid and meteor impacts, solar flares, or the social impact for humans being stuck in a confined space etc.

Look at Greenland for example:
They suffer severe social issues, lack of manpower, lack of housing, high cost of living, dangerous environment that can change rapidly, various health issues, for example if one get a flue or bad stomach, it often spreads rapid to the whole community.
Cost of traveling too and from.
Greenland is a safer place than Mars.
I mean even if they can warm up frozen water on Mars, that doesn't make it drinkable.
So should people just use it as a hot tub, where they can relax, while still wearing their spacesuits? :-)
"Cody's Lab" seriously try to implement a low-budget Mars ecosystem in the middle of the desert.
What would be the whole point of settling Mars? What resources does the planet have that we so desperately need?
I mean, to be fair, I'm pretty sure the Portuguese sailed the world for spices.
Other factors should also be considered not least of which are the lack of a magnetic field and the fact that Martian soil is not suitable for crop cultivation.
The best I can see for Mars is a dependency and not a full fledged self sustaining colony.

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