
should pineapple belong on pizza?

Absolutely NOT.

I came years (1 or 2 tbh) later to Lichess and I see this kind of forum again. My God!
I've been offended from time to time in my life. Rarely, since good reason for offense rarely occurs.

But I shall never be offended by the mere mention of pizza and pineapple together in a forum. Even if that recurs. Repeatedly.

No, shouldn't we agree to cowboy up and not get offended by that? I think so.

Even if I find pepperoni to be the topping worth applauding.
Let he without inadvisable food choices cast the first stone.

(I'm looking at YOU, ketchup on hot dog fans).
@WassimBerbar said in #23:


@Noflaps said in #10:
> Calling pizza a "fruit tart" is a bold stroke, @CSKA_Moscou ! Sometimes an epiphany explodes onto the scene without warning!
> I WAS going to defend pineapple on pizza, anyway, just out of principle (the principle of freedom of choice when no harm results).
> But now? You've given me even more justification to do so, even though I'm a pepperoni man, myself.
> Good work!

historically speaking, the original pizza is more or less a flatbread with tomatoes, olive oil and cheese. It is originally a rustic, peasant dish made with everything a Tuscan farmer could have.

the mistake was to make it a gourmet dish and in my opinion today's pizzas deny this improvised side (made with everything you have in the fridge). real pizza has to be improvised, look at the margarita, it's also improvised.

I consider that from a culinary point of view, it is a sweet dish, and that if you have chocolate and no cheese, it is not a crime.

and that the best pizza is the homemade one, with anything you like and that you have in the fridge, and that the red peppers, the chocolate, the pineapple, the pickles, the syrup of maple, anchovies, canned tuna or chicken do not deserve to be discriminated in the name of a dish that is not originally intended for 5-star guide Michelin restaurants.
If I were a mod I'd shadowban all of you heretic witches!

But I guess they will not make me a mod after this comment...

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