
Seekers of wisdom

@Long_Quach said in #63:
> @Katzenschinken
> Sign language was invented in Monasteries where they have "the code of silence" like a Chuck Norris movie or something.

Think about that for a moment.

Religion gave deaf people a language so they can talk to each other and hearing people.

The debt that we owe to religion is un-countable.
@FC-in-the-UK said in #64:
> @Long_Quach enjoying the long monologue? There are literally two pages containing only posts of yours.

I've heard that many times before, stupid.

If you got something to teach us, I'm all ears.
Ok I'll teach you this: when a thread reaches page 6 it's not bumped up any more. So flooding a thread with messages is selfish regarding the OP and other people that might be interested in the thread. If you have a lot of things to say, just send a long post.

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