
Proverb of the Day: *What Goes Around - Comes Around*

Proverb of the Day:

*What Goes Around - Comes Around*

The phrase typically refers to one being a victim of the same negative circumstances that they have inflicted on others.

A person's actions or behavior will eventually have consequences for one, even if indirectly.
Word of the Day:

a person, thing, or circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance.

"These daily word/phrase/proverb topics are such a nuisance!"
Another proverb I have found to be true eventually (if not sooner): "What gets round stays round."
"I knew right from the beginning
That you would end up winning
I knew right from the start
You'd put an arrow through my heart..."
Let he who is without sin go forth and get some before it's too late.
And the modified version by Terry Pratchett is: "What goeth around, cometh around." - Igor(1)

(1) All of them.

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