
Problems with gender-aware Education

My two children are 5 and 6 now and i have waited way to long to raise them in the spirit of gender-mainstreaming. I need your input on these most imminent problems:

I bought my daughter two toy-trucks and my son two dolls. Now the boy runs around in the house holding the dolls like imagined guns while shouting "Peng", "Peng". My daughter likes to play with her trucks and calls the bigger one "Mama-truck" and the small one "Baby-truck".

What should i do? I fear the kids are falling into these false gender-determined oppressive role-models and i don't know how to counteract that. One idea was to have Sheila (the boy) castrated and make him wear high-heels all the time. Maybe this way he overcomes his male-dominant conditioning. On the other hand, i wonder what i should do with Gary (my daughter). She already is enacting the role of a socially suppressed and restricted mother in her playing and is well on her way to being victimized by society as a female. I thought about sending her off to an army boot camp and have her trained in heavy weapons, but they won't take her for another 12 years minimum. I fear that it will be too late by then.

One last thing: asked about their sex the two answer with "boy" and "girl" respectively. Obviously, with "male" and "female" being merely social constructs with no equivalence in reality whatsoever, they are already deluded about some socially oppressive-repressive illusions. Of course, i am aware that for such a question there are only two correct answers: "undecided" and "it depends". What have i done wrong?
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@Nomen-Nonatur maybe its you that needs the army boot camp.. and a biology book.. actually just go back to kindergarten you need to re-learn everything...
When your kids start schooling, they will discover the truth. Your kids are 5 and 6. Don't they go to kindergarten?
Gender-Aware Education:

You'd better believe they'll suck every bit of blood out of you...

... Before they'll just come out and chew on a cyanide capsule, to garglingly sing:

...I don't know the very first thing, about this thing called gender...

Ha! Ha! Ha!
Fender Bender!
No problemo!
We got Zemo! (Trademark)
To always reduce you to a bloody demo!
> One idea was to have Sheila (the boy)

thanks for specifying :)
I'll respond the same way I responded to some other tread here.

It's telling about the times we live in that I can't know for sure if this is intended as comedy or not. My jedi senses tell me it probably is, but if not it still wouldn't be the most deranged thing I've heard.

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