
Pray 4 me :(

@flowergirl10fl said in #1:
> Last week I visited my cousins I broke me foot when I was there. I am going into surgery tomorrow in order to fix it. My foot got really messed up so plz pray that the surgery goes good.
during surgery just chill and dont worry about it. it will be over very soon if you dont think about it
All the best, mate, and if things go bad after all, that why the Good Lord gave us two ...
I had 3 eye surgeries they were the WORST they open my eye cut skin near my eye and flip my top skin of my eye and yeah, it hurt so much. Hope leg surgery is different.
@flowergirl10fl said in #1:
> Last week I visited my cousins I broke me foot when I was there. I am going into surgery tomorrow in order to fix it. My foot got really messed up so plz pray that the surgery goes good.
Don't be scared, it will only make it worse. But good luck and I am 100 % that everything will go well
I trust you will have a the best surgeon your money could afford.
If you payed good money, chances are everything will be ok.

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