
Posting Images

I have some chess images that I would like to share with lichess members...I see that someone just posted a cartoon image...How can I post an Image like that? :]
Upload the image to the internet, for example imgur, then navigate to the url of the image (it should have a file extension) and then copy the url from your browser adress bar and paste it into the post. Lichess transforms it to an image.

Please refrain from posting memes and stuff in cultivated discussions. Posers please go to
Thank you for your reply. I was hoping that I would be able to just attach an image from my a email attachment. Actually, I will have learn how to cut and I never do such a thing...never have had a reason to do so. :]
'copy & paste' means adding/taking something to/from the so-called 'clipboard', which is some free space on your computer constantly reserved for this. You 'copy' things to the clipboard by selecting them and then pressing ctrl + c. You 'paste' them from the clipboard into the desired application with ctrl + v.

When you are member of imgur ( this is free of charge ), just drag and drop an image from your file explorer on your userpage. it will be uploaded (takes a while). Make sure it is your userpage (menu top right -> 'images').

After the image has been uploaded you see its small preview image. Click on the image (not on the 'edit' 'delete' buttons which appear when you hover it with the mouse, but on the image itself). A dialog opens and this dialog has the links on the right side. 'direct link' is it, click 'copy' (this will copy it to the clipboard) and then in your lichess forum post press ctrl + v ('paste') and the link will be inserted. While editing, only its textual representation will be seen, but once you submit the post it will be transformed to the image at the location where this link points to.

This also works with the text you can write on your userpage, so you can have a user image. The green troll text i have on my userpage is such an image.

links to youtube videos work the same way.

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