
Post songs sung like the singer is a whiny little puppy needing his mama for everything in life

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Robin Gibb - Juliet

It's an unbearable wailing from a grown man.
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What even is this thread? No, seriously, what? It's bad enough when we're talking about a Justin Bieber breakup song (which you clearly didn't understand). Saying this shit about "Everybody Hurts" is just... what the fuck is wrong with you? Here's the first few lines of that song:

> When your day is long
> And the night, the night is yours alone
> When you're sure you've had enough
> Of this life, well hang on

> Don't let yourself go
> 'Cause everybody cries
> Everybody hurts sometimes

This is a song saying, "Even if it hurts, don't kill yourself". The singer isn't "whining". He's *pleading*. He is begging whoever is listening not to commit suicide. The music video is panning over people with text showing their inner thoughts - they're all struggling just to stay alive.

Gosh, I wonder why male suicide rates are so high when any attempt at getting in touch with one's feelings or expressing one's pain is derided like this. Not really beating those toxic masculinity accusations, guys. I will say, this thread has made me stop worrying if the music I write is "too whiny", because apparently any expression of emotion is too much for you people.
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