
Oh wait! So I am corona positive huh?

Yeah my family had extreme fever and we found out it was corona
We didn't go quarantine but we stayed locked up in our homes
Geeez that fever was really though but I am still alive
I did lose my taste and smell but I didn't have any body pain but my mom had it
We still have the virus slightly so I guess we're ok
keep an eye out for your mum mate , if she is feeling aches and pains offer to help out around the house
lighten her load
wishing you all the best through this
@sabutuma yes thank fully she is curing and losing all the pain
No one is having any breathing difficulty so I guess we're okay?
Our country has not announced full quarantine, but I only go out once a week.So there is a good chance I will not get the virus.I hope your family gets better soon
introverts became role models because of corona donya , they fell in line so easily with social distancing

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