
Oh wait! So I am corona positive huh?

I'm glad you haven't grown a surplus of heads, haha!

I also get why people are wary, this whole pandemic thing is rather stressful ...
And the way the potential AstraZeneca-CVST link was discussed by media and politics (rather hysterical, I'd say) does not help at all. It mostly lowers people's willingness to get vaccinated, since it erodes the public's trust. This back and forth is not how you build much needed trust. Bad science communication.
Still I want such correlations (however weak they might be) carefully examined. Doctors swear an oath (not literally, but figuratively) not to do harm. And I'm glad that they are taking it seriously. Even if it's for one unlucky person in a million.

Anyways, I've rambled enough for today. Have a good evening!
A surgical mask doesn't work for biological agents period, proven PRIOR politics US Army Nuclear Biological Chemical weapons school.

No amount of false equivalency logic like "the department of defense is wearing mAsKs" means a surgical mask works for Biological Agents.

False equivalency logic, low IQ

Blocking time wasting false Equivalency logic types is not repeating the same experiment again. Basic Science, lost on low IQ types.

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