
Now that Trump is gone, shamed, posibly indicted in the near future, who defends him?


You have been asked multiple times not to ping me with your ignorant insults that are toxic.

What part of that don't you understand?

Stop trolling, stop pinging, stop the ignorant insults that apply to the source
Low IQ stringing false equivalency nonsense repeating propaganda to score points with the mob, obtuse to the projection
Cool, @Edgy1 - Which scientists from the US Army Nuclear Biological Weapons School have written papers about this? Which ones are speaking out? Surely some retired personnel have been using their expertise to speak up on behalf of those who are being oppressed.

I mean.. you are making an unsourced and sensational claim that goes against the advice of the Army, CDC, WHO, hospitals and medical schools everywhere.
The US Army Nuclear Biological Chemical weapons school developed biological agent equipment, including the biological agent mAsK. As well as the nukes that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

They don't do nonsense science.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?.

It's like you have a serious cognitive dissonance problem
So no source other than what you say is true. No papers to cite. No officers, current or former, saying the Army policy is wrong. No hospital or medical school backing you up.

Just your word as someone who claims to have gone to this school, and no mention in what capacity or specialization.

Just you and your own special brand of "logic" and rhetoric. Thank you for clarifying, @Edgy1 .

For the record, I'll continue to call out misinformation whenever I see it.

Once again the source is listed in the reference material

Under references, in the the source provided

You cognitive dissonance repeat the same experiment definition of insanity time waste

Please stop pinging me with your false

For the record, you have no source, just your uneducated word, your continual anal retentive request for information, never accepting any, never providing any.

For the record you have been repeatably been asked not to ping me. You haven't pointed out any misinformation, you just produce more uneducated misinformation.

All combat troops go through the training.
I'm a former nuke team leader SWAT US Army, lost job International SALT Treaty.

You are disrespectful
@Edgy1 As someone who was supposedly trained, surely you know that there are numerous biological agents used in warfare, including viruses, bacteria, and toxins. The military has to have units prepared against all of them.

Fortunately the public doesn't have to defend against so of them, so whatever wiki for army gear is meaningless, and nothing in the reference has anything to do with COVID.

If it makes you feel better, I'll cede that wearing a surgical mask may be worthless if someone is dropping weaponized anthrax.

I understand the military has units trained in Nuclear Biological Chemical weapons and equipment, as I am a former member. You are not.

That's the very problem with biological agents like covid19, the environment to fight. But you don't understand the subject.

Covid19 is a virus, a biological agent.

You are a fountain of uneducated false equivalency nonsense misinformation

The Science was proven prior to your politics determining truth

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