
No hate towards the Russian people on Lichess.

@Yaroslav_Soldatov said in #25:
> Russia is a great country.
> Putin is the president of Russia, he is the most competent and strong president in the world. We chose him and we are proud of him.

Thanks for sincerity. Some people here still believe in "innocent russians", who can't be blamed for the deeds of russia.
I more then once claimed that russians, en masse, support putin, but my words were met with distrust sometimes.
Perhaps, they will trust you.
@AnaT2010 said in #29:
> @MaugliUA said in #21
> Well, you are Russian.
> I am not. I live in USA.

Sorry then. Misunderstading from my side.

Some russian player already spoken out it this thread.
@SohamRoy3rdaccount said in #2:
> I completely agree. Listen, before you blame anyone, YOU CAN NOT BLAME RUSSIA. It's not Russia, it's Putin! If your Russian, it's not your fault that you are Russian! These people don't literally understand this war and just blabbering random, nonsense shit.

As an “elected” official, Putin represents Russia. If people aren’t willing to oppose the invasion in some form, it is their fault.

Remember— the victims here are the innocent men, women, and children who are casualties of war; NOT lichess users being treated unfairly by others
"Innocent" Russians in this scenario are using the "I was only following orders" defence made famous at Nuremberg.
Read my brief history of history thread.
@Aoza said in #24:
> In addition, I'm watching now: most Hindus are shouting: "Stop the war!" Since when have we been going into politics since the age of 12? So this is a chess site, let's not hold rallies here! Love the Russians for their cool game and don't blame them for being participants in the war... after all, they just live in Russia...
> ____
> aoza
TF did you figure out someone's religion from lichess? SMH peeps talking shit without research are just the worst.
@Yaroslav_Soldatov said in #25:
> Russia is a great country.
> Putin is the president of Russia, he is the most competent and strong president in the world. We chose him and we are proud of him.

How many more tens of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians have to die in this senseless invasion before you change your mind? Or will it take the economic destruction of your country? How about if he ends up starting WW3? Would any of those things change your mind on Putin, be honest.
@MaugliUA said in #31:
> Thanks for sincerity. Some people here still believe in "innocent russians", who can't be blamed for the deeds of russia.
> I more then once claimed that russians, en masse, support putin, but my words were met with distrust sometimes.
> Perhaps, they will trust you.
And you are the judge for universal right and wrong? Are you so well-versed in politics that you can write off the people of a nation as innocent or guilty? think dude, think.
Downvoting my earlier post means you believe one or more of the following:

a) Putin is not president of Russia
b) Enablers are innocent bystanders
c) Innocent men, women and children being killed matter less than people being rude on a chess website

Seeing as how the Kremlin claims that Putin's actions are widely supported, and that he is saving innocent men, women, and children from "neo-nazis" and their enablers; and seeing as how the rest of the world agrees that Putin and the Kremlin, representing Russia, are being enabled by the Russian people to kill innocent men, women, and children, I am left to conclude that those who downvoted my post are morons.
@agnivo2008 Did...did you just downvote a post in which I explain why I believe your downvote is idiotic?

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