
No hate towards the Russian people on Lichess.

I have seen a forum post saying they are blocking all people with Russian flags on Lichess. They said it is a sign of aggression, and that flag should be banned. But it is not the people's fault. It's the president's. It's not bad to have a Russian flag next to their name in Lichess. And the flag is not a sign of aggression. Just because they are Russian, Or they have a Russian flag next to them does not mean you block them.
That is just my opinion.
I completely agree. Listen, before you blame anyone, YOU CAN NOT BLAME RUSSIA. It's not Russia, it's Putin! If your Russian, it's not your fault that you are Russian! These people don't literally understand this war and just blabbering random, nonsense shit.
AnaT2010 said in #1:
> I have seen a forum post saying they are blocking all people with Russian flags on Lichess. They said it is a sign of aggression, and that flag should be banned. But it is not the people's fault. It's the president's. It's not bad to have a Russian flag next to their name in Lichess. And the flag is not a sign of aggression. Just because they are Russian, Or they have a Russian flag next to them does not mean you block them.
> That is just my opinion.
* You're
(insert troll-face here)
@Championship_Zed said in #4:
> AnaT2010 said in #1:
> * You're
> (insert troll-face here)

Why don't you just put your case for Russia instead of posting insults on others in multiple threads pertaining to the current illegal invasion of Ukraine?
@obladie said in #5:
> Why don't you just put your case for Russia instead of posting insults on others in multiple threads pertaining to the current illegal invasion of Ukraine?
1. Its funnier this way.
2. I don't have a case for Russia.
@Championship_Zed said in #6:
> 1. Its funnier this way.
> 2. I don't have a case for Russia.

Just been looking at your games...makes interesting reading...
@obladie said in #7:
> Just been looking at your games...makes interesting reading...
idk what you meant by this but okay, I guess.
@SohamRoy3rdaccount said in #2:
> I completely agree. Listen, before you blame anyone, YOU CAN NOT BLAME RUSSIA. It's not Russia, it's Putin! If your Russian, it's not your fault that you are Russian! These people don't literally understand this war and just blabbering random, nonsense shit.

Blame Russia for ....

Russia invading?

Yea that would be wack, right?
<Comment deleted by user>

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