
My Inspiration to be what I am!!!

@chummer u all are mistaking me, okay this time I will not say anything but my passion and hardwork will say and thank you for inspiring me ( from my point of view!)
@FutureAstronomer thank you for understanding me. @chummer, @AayushGhate, @Tae7, @CreativeThinking u all are saying me that I am narcissistic and still in pride. Okay, let's clarify all your doubts! I have said everything about myself because I think half knowledge is worst than no knowledge! And all about pride I have thought that and personally say and recommend that before saying anything about pride just know about it. The biggest mistake I have done is I have tried to explain what pride may do to us, without explaining what is pride!! So don't take my words as a 15 years old boy's speech but rather take it as a piece of information. Pride as per my Oxford dictionary is the pleasure or satisfaction gained from achievements, qualities and possession. Well, this is a good example of half knowledge because pride is not exactly similar to this. Pride is ofcourse a satisfaction from achievements, qualities etc but it has two face i.e, positive pride and negative pride. Positive spectrum can be understood by the given example if I slap u publicly then what possibly the victim will do? Ofcourse he or she will also slap me. So what this indicates? Well, this indicates our self respect that we have gained in the society by our hardwork. This is also a case of pride, and if the person doesn't even say anything then possibly he has well defined values that insists him or her to know the reason behind such act or he may not have any respect. In negative ways pride simply prevents us from learning new things! And my title doesn't mean that I have learnt everything but it signifies that I am still learning. Learning has no end or alternative. And since I'm convinced that I am still a student not a teacher I don't think that I have negative pride or the pride as per u all. Even if you fear from learning from a junior one then it is also simply an example of negative pride! Even I have seen a 12 years old boy going to astrophysics college in America although I don't know him personally but I heard about him. I met with a 10 years old boy who was talking with me on the laws of thermodynamics! An advance concept as per his age even intially I also learnt from him many things! Just think for sometime u all are accusing me that I am in pride, I am talking about myself and I am talking about my success. But do you know what success mean to me? It's a kind of never ending race to perfection for me. See I have tried to grasp and give you all the positive spectrum of pride and the negative spectrum of pride, the difference between them and also what happens when we become proud in negative ways. But sadly noone except some, mostly were busy in trolling me, my hardwork, my pride etc but still I won't mind because if this comes with a cost of better future of our world then I will do it several times. Just remember that my titles are the respect I have gained in the society but they don't indicate my values totally. Instead of trolling me by saying me narcissistic and proudy I would advise everyone to rectify yourself and your mindset. My words are hard but I know that what I have tried to explain is far from what you all except some, have tried to grasp that's negative thoughts! which is sad but at the same time you all are indirectly inspiring and forcing me to achieve my goals for which I am thankful!!!!
I now proclaim myself as the future King Philip VI of France. Also known as Junior monarch and more commonly as Emperor Nero. I plan to re-start the 100' years war, except now I will double the the first numeral. My inspiration for this is to be known in the community, for reasons good or bad I DO NOT CARE. I plan to to begin my first step to greatness by invading the duchy of Guyenne. I will also insert some random examples of my life here, and because I am the distant grandson of Attila the Hun himself, I am bound for success. My journey to this amazing life-plan began when my father asked me a question: "Who do want to be when you grow up?" Me, being the astounding prodigy I was, replied "I don't know". I first considered being a "Starwarologist", but that would not bring me greatness. Once, my father, a historian, was invited to a Anti-WWIII conference. A monarchist student on that day got to know about me, and he understood that I was crazy. He told me that my craziness would stop me from achieving greatness. I was initially very angry with the student, but then I realized that all geniuses were crazy. This unique aspect of my personality would enable for me to achieve even greater heights than names like Henry V, Louis XIII and others. Later that year, I was taken to a psychiatric test but sadly didn't pass the test and was diagnosed with only "slight superiority complex". I then learnt of this mistake, and the next time scored an A+. So guys this is my story on how a mere 23-year old boy can call himself "junior monarch" or "Emperor Nero".
@Tae7 I am happy that I can help you in laughing in these tough days. And I also have same believe like u i.e, I don't want to waste my energy behind fools and those who aren't worth of my information. @StateYourPoint nothing is impossible but your goals should be little bit logical. If you think I want to be next Einstein or Hawking then you congratulations you are absolutely wrong!!! Because I want to be first Arpan rather than being a shadow of someone!

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