
My birthday

@potatothing Hey Thanks for your thoughtful response. It's so rare nowadays in the forums.

The whole point of my post (the last two statements included) was that some people put too much value on birthdays or holidays when there are bigger issues to solve.

The reason adult birthdays is on my mind is that a friend of mine has a son who is about to celebrate his 40th birthday and she is stressing out.

Also the son lives on the other side of the country and there is a plan to have a party half way.

it's a very complicated affair to say the least to organize things like this during a world wide pandemic and my advice would be to just have a Zoom call and make up for it when the madness dies out.

When I break it down it is really a first world problem.

Imagine having the good problem of being able to organize a birthday party for your son, get friends and family to travel literally half way across Canada(the second largest country in the world, no less) from Vancouver to Montreal?

And have the resources for plane tickets, presents, hotels, make sure everyone has their shots and papers in order to travel etc.
Only the very fortunate could even dream of being able to pull this off for a party that lasts hours.

Now imagine that there are some adults that expect this every year from their parents?

And when was the last time you went to a Mother Day or Father's Day Party?

In my opinion when we become an adult, birthdays should be a celebration to our parents and especially to our mothers that go through the majority of the pain of our birth
@Sacmaniac said in #51:
> @potatothing Hey Thanks for your thoughtful response. It's so rare nowadays in the forums.
> The whole point of my post (the last two statements included) was that some people put too much value on birthdays or holidays when there are bigger issues to solve.
> The reason adult birthdays is on my mind is that a friend of mine has a son who is about to celebrate his 40th birthday and she is stressing out.
> Also the son lives on the other side of the country and there is a plan to have a party half way.
> it's a very complicated affair to say the least to organize things like this during a world wide pandemic and my advice would be to just have a Zoom call and make up for it when the madness dies out.
> When I break it down it is really a first world problem.
> Imagine having the good problem of being able to organize a birthday party for your son, get friends and family to travel literally half way across Canada(the second largest country in the world, no less) from Vancouver to Montreal?
> And have the resources for plane tickets, presents, hotels, make sure everyone has their shots and papers in order to travel etc.
> Only the very fortunate could even dream of being able to pull this off for a party that lasts hours.
> Now imagine that there are some adults that expect this every year from their parents?
> And when was the last time you went to a Mother Day or Father's Day Party?
> In my opinion when we become an adult, birthdays should be a celebration to our parents and especially to our mothers that go through the majority of the pain of our birth

Interesting points, but it more seems that people don't celebrate Father's or Mother's Day enough, and that people don't do enough, people should be celebrating Mother's and Father's Day similar to how they would celebrate their birthdays, because the entire point of those 2 days (Mother's and Father's Day) are to recognize and celebrate the risks and time parents have taken to raise and help their children.

When we have birthday's we are only focusing on ourselves, and we need to recognize who has helped to become where we are (friends, family). Therefore, we should be celebrating Father's and Mother's Day to a similar extent of how we celebrate our birthday. But when we don't, we are ignoring and forgetting the reason(s) why we are here and how we became.

tl;dr We should celebrate our birthdays, but we should also be celebrating Mother's and Father's Day to the same/similar extent of how we celebrate our birthdays. (Visit them, bring them gifts, help them with some work, if you have siblings then try to organize some kind of small family gathering, etc...)

Also, to OP happy (but late) birthday!
@potatothing There's some kids that will read this and not even remember their parents or siblings birthdays. I'm often forgetful myself.

Birthday Worship is about as far away from the big issues that are plaguing Earth now.

The reason I talk about Birthday Worship is because other issues are uncomfortable to speak about. For example....

people are not getting married and having children in the first world.

Who pays the taxes in 2061?

If you are a first world government, you are freaking out for the last 10 years.

By now the governments have gone mad because...with Artificial Intelligence means that half the jobs will be gone because of AI and robots in the next 10 years.

If it's just old people with 50% unemployment in the next 20-40 years---again, who pays the taxes exactly? If you don't have a job how do you eat? How do you own anything?

Morgan Stanley has projected that by 2030 more than 52% of women in a first world country will be unmarried and never have children.


The short answer is mind control and people become whatever they focus on.


Social Engineering by technology and data control.

When a species isn't reproducing in replacement numbers it's called an Extinction Level Event.

It needs drastic levels of deflection away from the fact that there is not many birthday makers being born in the near future.

I suppose we ignore it by playing chess and writing in the forums about unimportant issues.
@Sacmaniac said in #54:
> @potatothing There's some kids that will read this and not even remember their parents or siblings birthdays. I'm often forgetful myself.
> Birthday Worship is about as far away from the big issues that are plaguing Earth now.
> The reason I talk about Birthday Worship is because other issues are uncomfortable to speak about. For example....
> people are not getting married and having children in the first world.
> Who pays the taxes in 2061?
> If you are a first world government, you are freaking out for the last 10 years.
> By now the governments have gone mad because...with Artificial Intelligence means that half the jobs will be gone because of AI and robots in the next 10 years.
> If it's just old people with 50% unemployment in the next 20-40 years---again, who pays the taxes exactly? If you don't have a job how do you eat? How do you own anything?
> Morgan Stanley has projected that by 2030 more than 52% of women in a first world country will be unmarried and never have children.
> Why?
> The short answer is mind control and people become whatever they focus on.
> How?
> Social Engineering by technology and data control.
> When a species isn't reproducing in replacement numbers it's called an Extinction Level Event.
> It needs drastic levels of deflection away from the fact that there is not many birthday makers being born in the near future.
> I suppose we ignore it by playing chess and writing in the forums about unimportant issues.

I've only ate cake 2 times, never had a b-day party, and get only one present.

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