
Movies you haven't seen because you're a complete philistine

I've actually seen Vidocq.

Don't remember a damned thing that happened in it, outside of an Astronaut-looking dude swordfighting near some sort of pit or cwm. It probably would've been better if I understood French.
@clousems Cool. You can just watch it again, as if you never did! Happens a lot with me and movies.
It's an Auguste Dupin/Sherlock thing, but, as you say, with an astronaut. And it's in 1830 Paris.
Borges also wrote something dans cet esprit de corps. Is it cet, or cette now? I detest these bloody Frenchies and their blasted genderized phraseologies.
I will shut up before you go cry and I get banned like the other site...
@clousems said in #1:
> Starcrash
> The Butterfly Murders
> Burial Ground
> Conquest
> They Saved Hitler's Brain
> Simba, the King Lion: The Final Battle
> Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre
> If you've seen these movies already, congratulations! You're cultured.

Cultured.... lipstick on a pig lips. You are child killers and the most immoral people on the surface of this globe, You can argue what you want but history will not be kind with you all. I despice you and your race.
To start off, phelestines are your jews as well, so you zionist mofo go f*ck yaself.
everybody hates you and US government now, do you even realize or do you only watch CNN news?
ant other mofo wanna argue, do as you please. Just be wary.
Every single time you get to provoque and then cry mods so I get banned, well I can make 100 accounts here skiddo.

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