
Most forum posts

Who has most forum posts? And the list of users with most posts.
MrPushwood has most over 20k.
Top 6 are as follows:
MrPushwood (20193)
Sarg0n (14470)
Akbar2thegreat (12009)
tpr (11983)
clousems (8933)
Toadofsky (8485)
So there actually is a list somewhere?

And Sargon was ahead of me for a while (then he got a life!).
A question that I wonder is what range of forum posts (like 1000-2000, 3000-4000, etc) has highest concentration of forum posters on this platform.
@LordSupremeChess said in #7:
> Me sitting somewhere in the middle of the list. *dies*
I don't think you would be around middle of the list.
There are lot of users having posts between 4000 and 8000. But I wished Lichess showed such stats so that we can see where we rank!
I don't think that would be such a good idea as it would just encourage a lot of simple posts in pursuit of a essentially meaningless ranking (no offense intended to anyone btw). As Thibaut said concerning the followers list chess players are an inherently competitive bunch sometimes obsessed with numbers

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