
Make up a word.

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was literally made to be the longest word. It is not a real medical condition. Ergo, that might not be the best example. Antidisestablishmentarianism is actually a legitimate thing, though.
Again. "made to be," the longest word, a verbal fabrication can still produce an actual word.

There's nothing wrong with inventing words. Shakespeare did it all the time. I guess all those words aren't real words, either.
I could,with very minimal effort,construct a legitimate chemical word of at least 500 letters(let's leave titin out for the moment).But I won't.

Longiverbipreposteroimaginelegitipopuliphobia ... fear of stupid made-up long words becoming common usage by the great unwashed.
Shakespere did not invent words...that implies going outside the established literary lexicon,which we modern folk call "the dictionary".Weren't no dikshunairys bak thenn.(Before you jump on my spelling of shakspear,do some research)


@OneDummHikk ...a fortuitous segue..."He who steals my word steals trash..." Apologies to W. Shakespeare.
ooo i like that.
did sheikspire say that?
i guess every nincompoop gets something right every other midsummer solstice.

now for my word:
THE POOPATOM (yes folks. the fabled lost element!)
We can help you,young boy.We see your cries for help..but you must be patient..when you reach 14 yrs old,only then can you enter the company of Men.Until that day,just keep living with your parents and play many computer games with your millions of computer friends.
Someone in this thread is rather pedantic. And, tragically, they're usually wrong.

They know who they are.
Someone may very well be qveen.
But can we in fact be certain that this particular individual knows of whom you, as well as I, speak?
For one does start to pre-wonder at times.
Not like full-on WONDER or anything, but like the very first traces of something that leads up to wonderment as it were.

Thank you.

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