
Make up a word.

@clousems I just invented the word so that you can use it when you are studying the 1. f3 e5 2. Kf2 opening yourself (or for anybody studying that opening). Clearly, that opening's awesomeness is underrated by most.

The word I mentioned is a real word. go to or .org or whatever it is.

The other word I mentioned IS in fact a surname, as is 'Santorum,' another invented word. Please investigate the context of my definitions. In the USA, we recently had a judge confirmed to the highest court in the land, a judge quite obviously unfit for the job of dog-catcher, let alone Supreme Court Justice.
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. This is a joke word,but there are those who think it's real
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of long words. Ditto

"Fake words," entering usage, become real words.

Hence it's now a real word. Unless there's another term for the fear of long words...?

sesquipedalophobia = real word
entering usage ?? when was the last time you used it in a sentence?
Unnecessarysantorumitis: Inflammation of political opinions resulting from the unecessary mention of Rick Santorum
Kavanaugh would make a great dog-catcher, btw.

When's the last time your used pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis in a sentence? That, too, is a real word. Whether or not you use it.

Resembling,or in the manner of a person drowning in a sea of inanities.

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