
Jokes and Riddles

Post any jokes, riddles, or puns here. Let's see who's is the funniest!
How did the gum cross the road? It was stuck on the chicken's foot

What animal gets in trouble the most during tests? Cheetahs

What do you call a gator in a vest? An investigator!

Why did the farmer pick all the berries? It was the ripe thing to do
Want to hear a joke about pizza? Never mind, it's too cheesy

Today at the bank an old lady asked me to check her balance

So I pushed her over

I didn't actually, but that's beyond the point
Really racist:

What do you call a black woman who had 12 abortions? A crime fighter. (From a lawyer)

My response (old joke):

What do you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.
This is a really bad seaweed joke sorry I couldn't kelp my self
Mind another cheesy joke/riddle? @smarty_pant

What‘s the volume of a pizza with the height a and the radius z?

V = pi*z*z*a
WARNING: I use this joke way too much. So if you've heard it from me don't complain.

One day, a cheetah and a lion were racing. But then, the cheetah won!
Then the lion said "You CHEETAH!" and the cheetah said "You LION!"

Okay, *my* other jokes are from YouTube.
Animation vs Youtube: "Try 'We Suck' Vacuums today. Because 'We Suck' more than any other competitor!"

Kurzgesagt Dyson Sphere: Sometimes I link to the part where it shows "Red Herring"

*I have found this makes it funnier. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
What colour is the bear that is stalking the residents of a large, grizzly house with south facing walls?

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