
Is there something wrong with me or my posts?

I beg to differ...
You don’t give off that serious vibe when joking about Rick Astley and Mario carts ;)
That being said, you do take some of my jokes a little too seriously at times, mostly when I mention “Horsey”.
“It feels like often when I post in a thread it dies shortly afterwards or very few people post in it afterwards.” - Not true. Although I don’t post in off topic that much. I do browse through it often and your topics in general are received well :)
Stop being paranoid! You are great poster ;)
you shouldn't care about it. ironically, you are taking THIS too seriously.
Hah! I knew you would downvote my post. So predictable....
I don't typically keep up with who says what in the forums, but here's some general advice, based off of behavior I've seen in the forums over the years:
-People want to discuss things that matter to them. Don't create threads if you don't really want to discuss something.
-Don't post for attention. Post because you have something to say.
-Don't downvote responses unless you strongly disagree with what is being said. I rarely use any reactions besides the laughing face one.
-Don't read to much into who replies to you. People like I respond to the post, not the poster. If we don't respond, it's likely nothing against you.
-No response is better than a bad response.
-Responses are not an obligation. Sometimes, people just don't feel like responding. It's not a slight.
-Be reasonable in your responses. Nothing turns people away like disregarding reason.
-Respect the opinions of others

Here's a mental checklist of things to consider before posting that I use. Perhaps it will be helpful for you:

-Is my post relevant?
-Does my post come off as friendly, or as polite as possible to get my point across? If not, how can I make it more friendly?
-Does my post add anything to a conversation, request clarification, or help draw attention to something? If not, why am I posting?
-If the post is a request of some sort, am I being too demanding or inconsiderate?
-Am I annoying anyone or encouraging some sort of negative behavior by posting? If so, how can I avoid this?
-Am I addressing the post or the poster? By that, I mean: is my comment related to the conversation, or is it a message to another user? I try to avoid the latter type of post.
-Is my post ambiguous?
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