
Is Racism even legal?

agreed with clousems. its better to discuss thoughs and ideas ( and in this case to refute them) than to blatantly forbid them. ban just fuels them. everyone is free to have his own (bad) ideas. its duty of those who oppose these ideas to speak up.

You think freedom of speech exists in the United States ? Huh ? This is 2021, not 1980.

If you say stuff that is not PC on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or many other sites - not only can you be demonetized and deplatformed, but you can lose your bank accounts. Also, you can be visited by the FBI just for going to a political rally.

The word "Racism" nowadays is mostly used as a tool by some people to attack other people to increase their own power.

The word has no real meaning anymore - it is merely a weapon.
My friend posted this but they shadowbanned him or something like that.

It's not illegal but it's highly frowned upon.

And there are lines which you can't cross like -- if you actually say something untrue about someone you are breaking the law. The issue is severity and the main things to prove are 1) intent and 2) amount of damages. So if you say something and nothing bad happens that's one thing. But for instance there are lawsuits going on right now about the previous claims of "voter fraud" which didn't make any sense and had no reason for them at all. So, damages to the people who make the voting machines are calculable and unfairly happened.

To go back to the racism issue; again it's not illegal but there are again lines to cross. Any crime if it is racially motivated becomes much worse. Then it becomes what is known as a hate crime. That puts it in an entirely different category. I.e., much higher penalties. For instance if you kill someone for no reason, that's bad enough but if you do so because of a color issue, then -- the penalties and judgments are more severe.

That's in an attempt to counter-act racism which has always been a part of the country but tended to be worse int the past, and has gotten gradually better. There are still places in America however that Black people won't go to -- and vice versa, there are places such as Compton or something that white people don't want to go to... But in general, this is probably an over-simplification and untrue by now.... I'm sure the tourist industry has made some of those places a little safer..

I'm sorry -- by now this has gone a little too far or long so -- Tl/dr time :) (too long didn't read)... I don't enjoy long posts myself heh and there's nothing much of accuracy or value in this post so please feel free to disregard it entirely.

Unless you've never heard of Compton in which case I have shared that much at least.

"Woke up quick, at about noon,
Just thought that I had to be in Compton soon..."


But anyway nah, racism is just a sad hang-over / left-over from the past and it's gradually less and less each decade...
Racism sucks.
But what I think is worse is that some people actually legitimately believe that black people cannot be racist.
I imagine that only brain-dead people think that way.
Because its like saying that females cannot commit ra**.
If anything. this flawed idea is actually more insulting to people that are being affected by racism than the racism itself.
In this modern world. White adult males have a much easier time than Black people. Females. And kids. Which is really sad.
I hope that people stop believing in idiotic ideas and start not caring at all about skin color.
But I also hope that companies stop forcing black people and females in movies.
because the more you try and force them in. the more they will be rejected.
Having females and black people is fine.
But putting them in just because you know that you will be called racism or sexist if you don't just makes the whole situation worse.
We should not care 0.1% about if the people we put in movies are black or white.(Unless of course it is related to the story)
My thoughts.
I love how the PC racism is terrible lines get mega upvotes but my posts telling it exactly how it is are getting some downvotes. Ok guys let’s just talk about clouds and rainbows instead of the facts.
#25 I hope so too, but racism will probably never "go away." Humans like to divide each other, whether it's by gender, class, race, etc. There will always be someone who doesn't think that other races are equal.

Also, in films or movies, I think it's okay to have a certain race playing a certain character if it matters. For instance, in Crazy Rich Asians, it kind of made sense that the cast was mostly Asian. But for stuff like The Little Mermaid, it doesn't matter whether Ariel is black or white.

I agree with (@) clousems. I read this book where it described an experiment with young children. There were two teams, team red, and team blue. They each had different colored t-shirts depending on their team. The kids did activities, but all separated by their team. Anyway, at the end of the day, the kids were all surveyed on what they thought of the opposite team. Most of them said something along the lines of disliking the other team or thinking they were better. I just thought that was interesting.

" For instance, in Crazy Rich Asians, it kind of made sense that the cast was mostly Asian. But for stuff like The Little Mermaid, it doesn't matter whether Ariel is black or white."

Have you noticed that the film industry is making European historical pictures - ( and let's face it "King Arthur's Court" was white people ) under new diversity rules ? So now, some of King Arthur's round table has to have black actors.

Yet, the new Mulan live action movie - even though made by "super woke" Disney - is exempt from the diversity requirement.
It's an all Asian cast.

I know why - but do you know why ?

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