
If you wrote a book about betrayal.

If you wrote a book about betrayal. What would be its last line? Mine would be: I trusted you blindly and you proved me I was blind.
If I wrote a book about betrayal, the last line would probably be: My tears are more for my damnation than they are for your demise.
my last line would be,,,promise me you would never betray me again,im giving you all the power,you will run the business from now on,
I would have been better off not playing chess against Sicilians dressed in suits with ties and sunglasses.
Don't beg me for a drop of water, and then proceed to kill me, when I'm risking my life, to find a way to give it to you.
If I was writing a book, and the last line probably sounds like this: I thought you were the kind of guy that wouldn't stab me in the back but you did! Man, I thought we were close... But I never thought you were this kind of guy.
#6 Alchemistically speaking, we may very well be looking at surface tension. No, not poppy seeds, just surface tension. I added this last bit to ward of all those meticulously batiqued crystal gazing wicca artistes.
Thank God, that I thought about warding those off.
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And I watched the bubbles
As my pistol sank into the lake

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