
If you were stuck on a deserted island with one other person who would it be?

I would take someone from NASA. They probably have a rocket in their pocket just in case...
Someone that knows how to build a long-range boat from sand and whatever materials are on that island.
Guys. you are overthinking this. Think of a caroon desert island with a few cocunut trees and sharks surrounding it.

Interestingly enough before Coranavirus and what not, I asked my classmates. Quite a few said a person they hate so they can eat them.
@legobuilder101 ..a slight fault in your friend's reasoning...cannibals do not eat people for sustenance...they only eat the heart and brain of those they admired as good enemy rather than be stranded with someone you hate,take someone you admire;but probably best not to tell them why you chose them...

Except if yr a south american soccer team..

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