Am I weak?
im sorry but if it hurts,that means you are weak
I'm sorry, but punching yourself in the face indicates stupidity.
weak to pain but strong to hurt yourself
@Blaque-Raven said in #3:
> I'm sorry, but punching yourself in the face indicates stupidity.
i disagree,it indicates intelligence
> I'm sorry, but punching yourself in the face indicates stupidity.
i disagree,it indicates intelligence
@FQT said in #1:
> Am I weak?
No, you were mad and could not find a way with your expression of your feelings and did not wanted to hurt some one but directed it to yourself.
You need, and don't take me wrong as I also walked that path when I was younger mental health help.
I hope you find help or get to that consciousness of letting some things go, it is not easy.
I wish you best in life but don't hurt yourself anymore.
> Am I weak?
No, you were mad and could not find a way with your expression of your feelings and did not wanted to hurt some one but directed it to yourself.
You need, and don't take me wrong as I also walked that path when I was younger mental health help.
I hope you find help or get to that consciousness of letting some things go, it is not easy.
I wish you best in life but don't hurt yourself anymore.
Missed his hanging Queen, exchanged mine with a disadvantage and crossing fingers did not help hoping he wont see it, it could had been a chess mate easy after that 1st blunder, my focus was lost and I feel mad at myself even if I won on time blackout it were the blunders I made that make me mad> no reason to smash my keyboard, yet.
@Oportunist said in #5:
> i disagree,it indicates intelligence
Well any small amount of intelligence that existed before the punch has surely been removed by the punch.
> i disagree,it indicates intelligence
Well any small amount of intelligence that existed before the punch has surely been removed by the punch.
What is this forum bro
I decided to test it empirically and now I've got a black eye.
I've got to come up with a story to explain the black eye ( hopefully something heroic involving a damsel in distress ).
What was the question?
I probably shouldn't have hit myself so hard.
I've got to come up with a story to explain the black eye ( hopefully something heroic involving a damsel in distress ).
What was the question?
I probably shouldn't have hit myself so hard.
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