
If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

Chess-king30, what would you like to be as an animal?
Heck idk,maybe a dung beetle.
At least I'd be happy when people give me shit.
@Chess-King30 said in #39:
> Don't you make a new column of sub-subspecies when we say foxes are related to em (I know they are not but hey!)

In the end all life on earth is related. But the last common ancestor of wolves and foxes was roughly 12 million years ago. That's a lot further back than the divergence of wolves and domestic dogs. ;)
@Chess-King30 said in #40:
> Yep, never stop hunting

You'd be amazed how much time lions spend doing absolutely nothing at all. Same probably goes for tigers.
I always wanted to swallow my own tail and finally prove it edit: Einstein's theory on that
@Molurus said in #46:
> You'd be amazed how much time lions spend doing absolutely nothing at all. Same probably goes for tigers.
Lions sleep for 20 hours everyday and the other 4 hours they eat. They might be the most laziest animals.
You are not knowing the cat that owns me. A woman in house named her Lili.
I call her Away. But she stucks to me, only Jesus may know why.
In fact, I have to admit, when she sleeps, my life is in balance.
Did mention Away/Lili maybe before.
Cause when I play chess online she likes to enter the keyboard I am playing at.

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