
I very angrery with lichess

@potatothing said in #25:
> I am seriously confused why people are pissed off about this stuff.
> 1. How does someone reacting to their own post affect you at all? It doesn't show anything as there is literally no meaning for these reactions (well at least no meaning that should affect you), and someone who does react to their own posts just seem stupid.
> 2. Why would you react to your own post, I mean you just look lonely, desperate and foolish, it's kind of admitting that you know people don't think your post is funny or interesting, so you just play these mind games with yourself to make you feel happier.
> I don't understand why this is such a discussed topic, it's just reactions.

“I dont understand why this is such a discussed topic”

Also: writes 2 paragraphs discussing it
there has been a lot of things that lichess did to me that i did not like but i love lichess
Lichess is a chess website. Yes, there are forums but it's not so... how do I put it "professional"

Lichess is a Chess website. You are here for Chess, not talking or reacting to your own posts.

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