These would be great as Shrinky Dinks.
@MentalFugues said in #11:
> These would be great as Shrinky Dinks.
I thought about that too. I just don't have the right stuff. Maybe someone else would make em.
> These would be great as Shrinky Dinks.
I thought about that too. I just don't have the right stuff. Maybe someone else would make em.
@Diaconu_Teodora said in #12:
> I thought about that too. I just don't have the right stuff. Maybe someone else would make em.
Is that a suggesti- do you mean tha-
*Challenge accepted.*
> I thought about that too. I just don't have the right stuff. Maybe someone else would make em.
Is that a suggesti- do you mean tha-
*Challenge accepted.*
@Diaconu_Teodora said in #5:
> I made rainbow horsey:
> Rainbow horsey is my favorite horsey but I don't really like how the sticker turned out. The eyes don't look right.
That's a fine rainbow horsey! Your blending of the colors is very nice.
> I made rainbow horsey:
> Rainbow horsey is my favorite horsey but I don't really like how the sticker turned out. The eyes don't look right.
That's a fine rainbow horsey! Your blending of the colors is very nice.
Today I made YinYang horsey: 
This one was actually pretty easy. The last one a huge struggle.

This one was actually pretty easy. The last one a huge struggle.
All three of your horsey drawings are soo cute
All three of your horsey drawings are soo cute
It's Great! The first song I learned to play was Horse with no name by America...Yin yang horsie is super!
@Rainbow_Pink_Lover said in #16:
> @Diaconu_Teodora
> All three of your horsey drawings are soo cute
> @Diaconu_Teodora
> All three of your horsey drawings are soo cute
I made summersey by @cham : 
This is my fav horsey sticker yet. In the photo it doesn't look the best but in real life it looks pretty ok.

This is my fav horsey sticker yet. In the photo it doesn't look the best but in real life it looks pretty ok.
@Diaconu_Teodora said in #5:
> I made rainbow horsey:
> Rainbow horsey is my favorite horsey but I don't really like how the sticker turned out. The eyes don't look right.
OMG its soooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you draw it?
> I made rainbow horsey:
> Rainbow horsey is my favorite horsey but I don't really like how the sticker turned out. The eyes don't look right.
OMG its soooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you draw it?
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