
How Often do you Eat out?

@Mrchess78 said in #4:
> Going out to eat would obviously involve being around other people

Thats news for me. When I eat out, I do it myself most of the times.
@Alientcp said in #31:
> Thats news for me. When I eat out, I do it myself most of the times.

Yeah, I don't mind eating out alone sometimes either. I usually pick something with fancy vegan stuff that I can not make easily at home. It helps me make a suggestion for a Sunday meal with my friends I have managed to get a lot of my friends to go with me to some of these healthy places on Sundays too. Good quality food, with careful preparation just tastes great.
eating alone or with others? The last few times I went to a noodle shop/picked up street eats/whatever, I went by myself. As often as not, I eat in my room, because I often get home after my family has eaten. Not that we don't get along, just how our schedules work.

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