
How does lichess make money?

Lichess doesn't have any ads or sponsers, and lichess has to pay for the severs , so makes me wonder, how does lichess gain a sorce of income?

Is it just the help of donations? is that enough?
And if the goal is not to make money, how does lichess pay for the costs of the website?
@TimeTraveller1 said in #3:
> But i feel there is some other source too

There is. It is some sort of publicly subsidized charity in France. It's explained somewhere on the website. It gets something like twenty thousand euros a month.

So we all owe something to the French taxpayers.
Lichess sells the jokes in off topic forums to comedians and movie makers there's a handle.

Just saw a talking head on the news bearing that last name.
@DogyBrown said in #5:
> Lichess sells the jokes in off topic forums to comedians and movie makers
they do?
call the lawyers, people, this is outrageouss!
@Hydrology said in #4:
> There is. It is some sort of publicly subsidized charity in France. It's explained somewhere on the website. It gets something like twenty thousand euros a month.
Nonsense. Lichess is indeed a French-registered charity, but it is not publicly subsidised, and certainly not by 20,000€ a month!

> Lichess is a charity and entirely free/libre open source software.
> All operating costs, development, and content are funded solely by user donations.
Whenever you gift someone patron wings, it goes to lichess’s owner.
some trillianors that are just donating millions of dollars

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