Howdo you open a can without having a can opener at hand ?
Oddly enough the can opener wasn't invented until almost 50 years after the invention of canned food.
The hammer and chisel was the usual means of opening a can.
The hammer and chisel was the usual means of opening a can.
You can only open a can if you can find a can opener nearby. And if one cannot find a can opener then one can dance the can can on the lid to release the pressure of the can lid and you can prise open the can.
yeah I don't see a hammer and chisel in this video but I do see some very interesting vintage can openers
Rub it on concrete.
I generally use the little ring. I pull it, and it goes "puh-WOOSH" and the frosty goodness pours forth when I tip the can.
@LStein said in #1:
> Howdo you open a can without having a can opener at hand ?
Humor: Believing in science- Whatever way you try, that's generally fine, especially if you find something logical that works solving the problem opening up the can - except for the microwave approach (call it: Faith).
Yeah, seriously speaking I definitely wouldn't recommend putting it in the microwave, not because I have tried it myself (i haven't tried it myself), but because I suspicion that a metal can in the microwave can create a disastrous and dangerous mess, potentially where the future of microwaves would need childproofing safeguard measures to prevent that.
> Howdo you open a can without having a can opener at hand ?
Humor: Believing in science- Whatever way you try, that's generally fine, especially if you find something logical that works solving the problem opening up the can - except for the microwave approach (call it: Faith).
Yeah, seriously speaking I definitely wouldn't recommend putting it in the microwave, not because I have tried it myself (i haven't tried it myself), but because I suspicion that a metal can in the microwave can create a disastrous and dangerous mess, potentially where the future of microwaves would need childproofing safeguard measures to prevent that.
The question has to be what DO you have on hand?
@JCee62 said in #6:
> Rub it on concrete.
This is the way rub it on a rock until the top edges wear away then it opens xxx
> Rub it on concrete.
This is the way rub it on a rock until the top edges wear away then it opens xxx
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