
Hi In Your Native Language.

Yes sure.

But Namaste is not originally written in roman lettering either.

Only fluent or conversant Arabic speakers can read Arabic..

Anyway-- marhaban is what google says so.... Yeah. That's my guess.
Would you say marhaban is a good way to say hi in Arabic? Yes I know it's not written in script....
@LegendaryQueen said in #12:
> Yes sure.
> But Namaste is not originally written in roman lettering either.
> Only fluent or conversant Arabic speakers can read Arabic..
> Anyway-- marhaban is what google says so.... Yeah. That's my guess.
ok I'll spell them all using English maybe u find it fun xd
marhaban = مرحباً
ahlan = أهلاً
ahlan wasahlan = أهلاً وسهلاً
Salam = سلام
alslam alaykum wa rahmat allah wabarkatuh = السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
hi = هاي
hala = هلا
@LegendaryQueen said in #13:
> Would you say marhaban is a good way to say hi in Arabic? Yes I know it's not written in script....
yup it's good especially when u meet someone for the first time.
In English, we borrow words we like; so there are actually many synonyms for Hi.

But, I guess, which do I like the best, is the aim of your question?

How about?

Greetings! :)
مرحباً isn't actually "hello", it's "welcome". But I admit, سلام is the one I use 95% of the time in real life, but in a chat I prefer "bjr", "bonjour", "hi", "hello", "coucou", "salut", "Assalam 3alaykoum wa rahmatou 'llahi wa barakaatouhou", "hola", "etc." etc.
@WassimBerbar said in #19:
> مرحباً isn't actually "hello", it's "welcome". But I admit, سلام is the one I use 95% of the time in real life, but in a chat I prefer "bjr", "bonjour", "hi", "hello", "coucou", "salut", "Assalam 3alaykoum wa rahmatou 'llahi wa barakaatouhou", "hola", "etc." etc.
u know Arabic?
that's amazing!

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