
hi guys, tell me who you love

Found cigarettes in your Fendi coat
Even though you don't even smoke
Always changing your access codes
Yeah, I can tell you no one knew
I love my mommy, my dad, my imaginary freinds, my toys, myself, drawing and snacks.

I used to have a crush...but he said no, so..,,yeah
@ThisUsernameIsNotFun said in #13:
> I love my mommy, my dad, my imaginary freinds, my toys, myself, drawing and snacks.
> I used to have a crush...but he said no, so..,,yeah
atleast u tried :/
@CassandraSante said in #15:
> atleast u tried :/

And...I think one of my freinds ...liked me (if you know what I mean)....but then we quarreled and that was the end of that freindship

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