
help meeeee

@Alientcp said in #34:
> move on.

From the whole saga of threads here in the Lichess forum I conclude that if this point hasn't already been reached he is approaching it quickly.
@AsDaGo said in #39:
> Caïssa herself. I guess he played such a terrible game that she felt the need to contact him.

If it were like this, she would be my snapchat penpal.
Bore the a*se off her with endless lecturing about the climate change catastrophe. If that doesn’t work, try whispering sweet nothings.
<Comment deleted by user>
@BorisOspasky said in #47:
> Bore the a*se off her with endless lecturing about the climate change catastrophe. If that doesn’t work, try whispering sweet nothings.
If I hear anything even remotely like that from you one more time, I will trace your address, get a baguette, come to your house, and whack you on the head. Am I clear?

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