
Harry Potter Sucks

Harry Potter does suck, but girls like it, and the author made certain people mad, so Harry Potter is awesome
@Kings_Army said in #1:
> Everyone knows Harry Potter is over-rated. Yall just don't wanna admit it. But let's be honest, Harry Potter just absolutely sucks tbh. I don't like ELA, but Harry Potter is just so obviously over-rated.
You are overrated wannabe 1800
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@Aonrathon said in #14:
> If u try 2 fight me and i get u with Expelliarmus u wont say that >:)
lol i forgot what that spell does (its a spell right?), its prob bad,
@Kings_Army said in #18:
> lol i forgot what that spell does (its a spell right?), its prob bad,
not as bad as you in atomic XD

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